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Swedish Church Records

Here we will inform about different church archives were you can search for your relatives.

Access to many different archives in your research in Sweden.

There are many different archives in Sweden were you can do research on your relatives. We have a great luck in Sweden, we have records that will reach back to about 1600. By Swedisch law it was up to the churches and their priests to keep record of each person living within the parish. These records can be found between 1686-1991.

The Swedish church records are microfilmed and in first place you will find these at our different Provincial Archives (Landsarkiv) but also now in digital format via the Genline database.

Below you can find some of our most common archives.

Click at the links below to get further information!

Birth and Baptism book
» Birth and Baptism book
Household Examination rolls
» Household
examination rolls
Banns and Marriage book
» Banns and Marriage
Moving book
» Moving book
Death and Funeral book
» Death and Funeral

Above are the first books to know about when you start your Swedish research.

Short presentation about other archives

The War Archives
If you have someone in your family that have been a soldier. This can do that you find the old soldiercroft by name and maybe if you are visiting Sweden you can take a ride to visit were it once layed. This information you will find in the War Archives.

Estate inventory
If you want to dig deeper in what could be found in their homes, when a person was deceased, how much things was worth, which persons that were heirs, demands and depts, you will find this in the Estate Inventory book. This archive is very interesting, then you will understand how they lived and what they own. You will find records like this - one dress, one harmonica, one watch, one cow, two pigs etc.

If you have relatives that have emigrated to the US or some other country, you will find this information in the Passengerlists. This may end in that you will find relativies in the US. And maybe a visit, like it did for us! We visited relatives in Montana, 2005.

Sentence book (Criminal book)
It can be interesting and also exciting if someone of your relativies have performed some criminal act (with this we don´t mean that we recommend this) you will then search in different courthouses with its different verdicts. Their you will find persons witness in court, which criminal act he/she has been convicted for etc. (we have had relatives that haven´t been so nice...murder, assault, animal assault, burglary etc) At the same time we also want to inform you that these acts haven´t handed down to us.

Other archives
- those with church duties
- Penalty records
- Census
- statistics
- releasing (discharging) prisoners
- Sailors records
- Health care records
- Ship records etc

More information about different archives you can find at the homepage for National Archives and Provincial Archives - www.ra.se »

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