CD´s to help in genealogy
A lot of information can also be found on different CD´s. |
CD´s that help you in your Genealogy research
Much interesting information have been put on CD´s.
Some of these records can also be found at the local Provincial Aarchives (Landsarkiv) in Sweden.
Maybe also in libraries. You can also buy them if you want.
A good thing to own when you want to do some researching at home on your own computer.
Mix of CD´s:
You can buy all of the CD´s below at Swedish Roots (The Federation of Swedish Genealogical Societies). If you are a member in a Swedish Genealogy Society you will have discont on the CD´s.
(Note! The Swedish Roots Bookstore is at the moment just in Swedish - but if your are interested in buying a CD, please contact Swedish Roots - http://www.genealogi.se/roots)
Swedish population 1890 (2003) - Census
Collection with approx 4,8 million people who lived in Sweden 1890/1891.
These records are good to search in when you have a person that you can´t find. Her or she may
appear here. |
NEW - Swedish population 1900 (2006) - Census
At last the CD of Swedish poplulation of year 1900 is ready. You can order it via e-mail at the Swedish Roots website. These records are good to search in when you have a person that you can´t find. Her or she may appear here. |
Swedish population 1970 (2002) - Census
Collection with approx 8 million people who lived in Sweden in November 1970 |
Swedish sailors (2003)
Collection with approx 650.000 sailors, that were listed in one of 47 "Sea Men Houses" (Sjomanshus) that
have been located in Sweden. |
Buried in Stockholm (2003)
Facts about approx 480 000 buried people in Stockholm 1800-2001.
Death book of Sweden 1947-2003 (2005)
Collection with approx 4,7 million deceased people in Sweden between 1947 - 2003. |
NEW - Emigranten Popular (2006)
A new edition of the previous "The Emigrant". It contains passenger records of 1,4 million emigrants who departed mostly to America. You will also find some additional databases like: Emisal - passengers going with the Swedish America Line, Emipass - passport records between 1783-1860 and much more. |
Emibas (2005)
Collection of information about approx 1.1 million imigrants who left Sweden til year 1930.
Easy search functionality. You can search for first name and family namee, birthday,
place of birth, proffession, people who emigrated at the same time, destination etc. |
The Emigrant 1 & 2 (2001)
Two CD´s with seven historic databases with information about Swedish emigrants.
It also contains two movies regarding emigration. |